Some children have many types of behavioural issues and the parents have to be responsible to identify them. Some of your children may have issues in paying attention when they are performing their activities. They don’t find interest in doing their work. The children don’t even listen to the others when they are telling something important to them. They don’t pay interest in doing activities that required concentration and attention. In some cases they are hyperactive and don’t stay at one place. They can’t perform their daily activities in an organised manner. Every work which is is done by these children is very messy. They are very impulsive in doing their work quickly. They can’t wait to do any activity until the turn comes. If you find the symptoms in your children you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will diagnosis the problem based on the answers given by you and your children. The diagnosis will be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in most of the children having the symptoms. The doctor advices you to use the medication for your children to resolve this type of behavioural problems.In most of these cases, doctor prescribes the medication of Adderall. This medication will help your child to get resolve some problems gradually.
Know more about the care taken for children with ADHD:
- When your child is diagnosed with ADHD, the doctor prescribed medication have to be used regularly. Along with the medication given by the doctor, some precautions should be taken by the parents.
- The parents have to take some counselling sessions to their children regularly. Such counselling will help your children in learning to handle the situations and frustrations. And this can help your child to build the self esteem. You can teach some kind of support strategies to your children according to their requirement.
- Social skills training therapy will help your children to change their behavior. Many researches have shown that the combination of drugs along with the behavioral therapy would work more than using the medication alone.
- The children with the ADHD can go the regular schools. But when they go the schools that give special education, your children have more chances to perform well. The schools which provide special education can understand the problem of the child and can teach accordingly.
Hope you got an idea in taking care of the children with ADHD.